If you are like all brides in the world, you want to shine on your wedding day. Of course, picking the right makeup artist (and the right type of makeup) can work wonders. But if you want to glow from the inside out and if you want your makeup artist’s job to make you glow even more, you should pay attention to what you eat too. What are the top 5 foods you probably did not know that will give you glowing wedding-day skin? Read on and find out more.
1. Berries. Most of the berries (and especially blueberries and cherries) contain powerful antioxidants that are almost like “magic” when it comes to their influence on the skin. Studies show that the level of antioxidants in your body is very tightly connected to blemishes and acne so if you want to look gorgeous on your wedding day, you should get plenty of antioxidants. Berries are a delicious way to do this!
2. Green tea. A true tradition in Asian countries, green tea is a great antioxidant as well. Even more than that, it helps your body purify itself from the toxins that may have gathered inside – and this will help you get a more beautiful skin too.
3. Salmon. This type of fish is not only delicious, but amazingly healthy as well. Since it is one of the richest sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, it is one of those foods that will help you maintain your skin supple and beautiful too. Include it in your meals as much as possible and you will definitely see the difference.
4. Kiwi. This fruit is extremely rich in antioxidants and vitamin C – both of which will keep your skin young and firm, so that it looks wonderful on your wedding day. Eat kiwi as often as possible and you will also feel more energized and healthier too.
5. Tomatoes. Lycopene is an anti-aging antioxidant that is found in tomatoes. If you want to get the most of your tomatoes though, make sure to have them processed or cooked because it has been proven that your body absorbs lycopene much better this way.
If you are searching for the perfect makeup artist to “show off” your gorgeous, healthy wedding day skin, contact Stevee Danielle Hair and Makeup. We will definitely make you feel like a true glamorous celebrity walking down the red carpet!